About All Together Better Health
All Together Better Health is the leading global interprofessional education and collaborative practice conference under the direction of Interprofessional.global.
Every two years the ATBH conference provides an opportunity for participants to discuss ideas and devise and test strategies to mobilise concerted action to improve health and wellbeing for individuals, families and communities across the world.
The ATBH conferences are driven by the conviction that by learning together we improve working together to effect change, enhance quality of care, ensure safety and optimise deployment of human resources. The conference content demonstrates the steady growth of interprofessional education in terms of evidence base and significance to health care. ATBH also provides a forum for the growing number of national and transnational interprofessional education networks to share their work and debate common issues and has been a proving ground for the development of a global network, first Intered and from 2012 the World Coordinating Committee, now known as Interprofessional Global.
Previous conferences in the All Together Better Health series have been held as follow:
1997 ATBHI (London, UK)
2004 ATBH II (Vancouver, Canada)
2006 ATBH III (London, UK)
2008 ATBH IV (Stockholm, Sweden)
2010 ATBH V (Sydney, Australia)
2012 ATBH VI (Kobe, Japan)
2014 ATBH VII (Pittsburgh, USA)
2016 ATBH VIII (Oxford, UK)
2018 ATBH IX (Auckland, New Zealand)
2021 ATBH X Re-invented (Online)